BCM Programming Guide
AMERICAN SPIRIT celebrating American inventiveness and spirit of creativity MetaMarch (Bryant) |
MOOD MIX portraits of shifting moods Noisy Wheels of Joy (Whitacre) |
BEAT BUFFET beats and grooves in a rhythmic sampler from around the world MetaMarch (Bryant) |
HEAVENLY VOICES a band and chorus program that looks to visions in the skies... A Million Suns at Midnight (Bryant) |
COLOR AND LIGHT new sounds from the traditional band ensemble EASY ADVANCED |
MERRY MELODIES fun and comedic music EASY ADVANCED |
the GOOD, the BAND, and the UGLY band gone berserk Godzilla Eats Las Vegas! (Whitacre) |
AUTUMN PICTURES a fall portrait October (Whitacre) |
CREATURES! animals and creatures of fantasy and of the twisted mind Equus (Whitacre) |
WATER MUSIC a spring portrait Cloudburst (Whitacre) |
HEAVEN AND EARTH a similar program to "Heavenly Voices" without chorus Wings that Work (Bryant) |
GHOST IN THE MACHINE science and clanking technology Noisy Wheels of Joy (Whitacre) |
PORTRAITS people and places Chester Leaps In (Bryant) |
LANDSCAPES painting pictures... Asturias (Bonney) |
CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION if you build it, we will destroy it... Interruption Overture (Bryant) |
SOUNDINGS TRIUMPHANT ecstatic music of triumph and joy Noisy Wheels of Joy (Whitacre) |
Last updated 12/03